Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Ok so I think this is where I'm going to start today.

Michael Moore

In My Humble opinion, what Michael Moore did at the Oscars was one of the bravest things I've seen in my life. First of all, he was not booed off the stage like several news agencies in their cowardice reported. In fact, he received a standing ovation from several members of the audience. Yes he did receive boos also, but the majority of the audience either cheered or sat quietly. Now many may say that this was an unpatriotic act, but I disagree. In fact, what could be more patriotic than expressing your first amendment right to disagree with our government? Isn't that what separates us from so-called "evil" countries like Iraq? Perhaps your belief system is such that you believe that speaking out against the government is unpatriotic in a time of war. You can believe what you want, but let me lend you some advice. I wouldn't call the thousands of anti-war marchers in NYC this past weekend unpatriotic. In fact, many of them were veterans of the Vietnam and Korean wars. Who are the real patriots? People who scream about how anti-war protesters are devaluing this country, or the people who are fighting, and have fought wars for the United States. And one final question: If you're so damn patriotic, what the hell are you doing here? Shoudn't you be in Uniform, halfway across the world defending freedom?

To those who serve, and continue to serve, and those who previously have served, you have my utmost respect, and support.

To those who have nothing better to do than to spew out hate regardless of which "Side" you're on, go to hell.

Remeber: Patriotism+ Dissent= Democracy. Patriotism+Conformity+Hate= Fascism

On Religion and Patriotism

Does it make a person less of a patriot if they are atheist, and do not want to have "God Bless America" Emblazoned everywhere that an American flag is?

This is more of a curiosity to me, as I am not Atheist, but Strongly support separation of church and state. I have never displayed anything with those words on it, aside from cold hard cash saying "In God We Trust", but I have had an American flag displayed in my home since the first Gulf War, if not before. I can't stand that phrase, because it sounds too exclusionary (God Bless America, I mean, not In God We Trust, which for some strange reason doesn't bother me). You know, I guess I shouldn't feel that way, cause it's awfully nice of all you Protestant Christians (cause everyone knows that the Catholics don't count, cause we don't want the Pope influencing things here in the U.S.) to exhault your beloved deity into blessing this wonderful nation. How generous of you. Just don't expect anything in return. We still won't pray in public school, no matter how much your God blesses this wonderful country.

I think that it's amazing how much people forgive from people who "Find God." If you don't agree, look at George W. Bush. Before he found God, he was a cocaine user, and an alcoholic who received several DUI's. Of course since he's found God, he became the Governor of Texas, and was Appointed to the Presidency of the United States of America. Thats the ultimate example. I guess maybe thats the reason I never became a "Born-Again" Christian. I guess, since I was never a drug addict, or an alcoholic, child abuser, kleptomaniac, pyromaniac, rapist, murderer, or any of a variety of other undesirable characterizations, I have no reason to become one. Not that I don't believe in God....

On War

I personally believe that war is wrong, under almost any circumstance. There has to be a better way for people to solve their disputes.

Given that, I don't know, like most Americans, how I feel about this war. It's pretty obvious that if Saddam has WMD, then he has to go. In the modern world, there is no place for this type of warfare, and the consequences of these actions will be devastating. But GWB has not as of yet given any concrete evidence that these weapons exist. This makes Bush look like the Oil Monger that the world is portraying him to be. All he had to do is give a small piece of evidence that was real, not some "Suspect" circumstantial evidence. GW Bush dropped the international relations ball on this one, and Foreign relations will suffer for many years. Canada, France, Germany, and other nations have refused to deport the Iraqi ambassadors, and close their embassies. What this means is that as far as those countries are concerned, the Saddam Hussein government is the legitimate government of Iraq. What happens when the U.S. overthrows that regime? Our neigbor to the north could be harboring criminals, members of a rogue government in exile. It's a really F'd up situatiuon, depending on the reaction of these countries.

On Life

Well, a lot has changed in my life, and I will go into it more in my next blog.

Until then.

What are we fighting for?


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