Friday, October 24, 2003

Yea Tho Thy Football Gods Have spoken!!!!
Actually word just came in that there is hope for the TMQ column. While it will reside no longer in the abyss of ESP(Noplug) It's future still remains uncertain, yet information will be posted on I will be adding the link to this website as well as to my main page.
Alas we may not be without our TMQ for long.

Now on a serious note. I do not endorse or support the stupid statement made by Mr. Easterbrook, although as many bloggers can relate to, I have myself said stupid things that I'm not proud of. I can understand this oversight by this person, but as in many other things in life, there aren't many second chances. Hopefully he doesn't make this mistake again. That said, I find it absolutely idiotic and extremely disturbing that the folks over at ESP(noplug) decided to erase any trace of the TMQ column ever existing there. It's kind of scary. But what's really frightening is that Michael Eisner seems to be the one who personally pulled the plug on Easterbrook. And his true intentions have come into question as well. It seems that there are accusations against the Disney/ABC CEO that he used the Anti-semitism commentary as an excuse to fire TMQ because he didn't like the fact that Easterbrook publicly insulted him on another site. So was he fired for his comments about Judaism, or because he insulted the boss? I guess only he knows for sure.
Oh and by the way, it doesn't matter what faith you are, the people who produce tripe like Kill Bill are simply out for the buck. It's sick what people do for money. Personally I have not seen the movie, so I will refrain from being too critical about it, but from what most people who have seen it have said, is that it's just a vehicle for gratuituous violence. Given that, I doubt that I will ever see it.
There, Enuff said I suppose.
More to Come....

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