Thursday, November 20, 2003

At times I can be a complete idiot. I'm sure anyone who has read this blog has figured that out pretty quickly, but thats not what I really mean. In fact I stand by every word that I wrote here. Well at least most of them... Anyhow, I'm an idiot, because I often allow myself to create more misery for myself. The worst part is, I know that doing certain things is only going to make me unhappy, but yet I do them anyway. And then the misery comes. Alright maybe misery is too strong of a word, much too strong.
Anyone else think that Eddie Murphy's "Coming To America" movie is a piece of comic genious. We've been crackin the one-liners from that movie all week here. My second favorite movie quote is from that flick "it's a damn shame what they did to that dog"
My favorite you may ask?? "Now That's a damn shame when folks be throwin away a perfectly good white boy like that" from Better Off Dead
Maybe I'll write more later.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Oh yeah, My annual Birthday blog has been delayed until next year, due to lack of interest on my part, any questions, feel free to ask. In it's place I will give these tidbits:
My brother got me a juggling kit, but I don't really juggle.
My woman got me some good books on politics and Government, a couple of really cool time period pieces on the former Soviet Bloc
My Dad forgot my birthday :(
Nothing has really changed all that much in a year.
I got older, maybe wiser, maybe not. I bitched a lot about the government, things only got worse. Maybe next year will be better, then again maybe it won't...
Until the return of the annual Birthday rant...
I bid you piece (mmmm Cheesecake!)
Just read 2 interesting tidbits on the web today. First of all the "10 Commandments" judge was removed from his post! Kudos, the system does still work sometimes, at least kinda. To quote TMQ (aka Gregg Easterbrook) "Why, is the Christian right maintaining that a 5,000-pound hunk of stone has anything to do with God, faith, or higher purpose? If you've got to look at a hunk of stone in order to believe, then you don't believe." You can Find Mr. Easterbrooks Blog in the links, also his weekly Tuesday Morning QB on

Secondly, apparently the wonderfully awful Vivendi Universal group has sold off to CNet, which plans to promptly shut it down and remove all content, only to reopen it as an information site about music, with {GASP!} NO DOWNLOADS! Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't CNet a software download site??? So why are they planning to buy, and take out all of the mp3's? Does that make any sense? Why not buy something like to make a news and info site with? Has everyone gone goofy???
I read through a lot of blogs while I'm sitting here at my desk day after day, and I realized today that I'm really jealous of all the people who blog from college. I miss it sometimes, actually quite a bit. Of course I wouldn't trade what I've got now for anything. It just seems less stressful now to think about the big worries of school (like paper deadlines, exams) versus the stresses of the real world (can we pay our rent this month) Memories are gray, but man they're really comin back...
{short pause for flashback}
I suppose we all have to grow up sometime...
On to some political news:
GWBush takes credit for the introduction of about 130,000 jobs in October mainly in the service and temporary industries (90% ish). That must've taken guts. Under his administration, between 2 million to 4 million (depending on who you ask) Jobs were lost, and this guy is taking credit for a hundred thou? Net result: GWBush Administration -1,870,000 to 3,870,000 Jobs lost. In my opinion, you shouldn't brag about any increase in jobs until that 2-4 mil is back working. Of course I'm sure those people are just lazy and don't want to work. Another report stated that 1/3 of Americans will have extreme difficulty putting food on the table this Holiday Season (up from an average of about 20% or 1/5 over the past 20 years) I guess under the Bush rule, approximately 13 percent of Americans just suddenly got Lazy? Hmmmm....
Have A Nice Weekend :)