Thursday, November 20, 2003

At times I can be a complete idiot. I'm sure anyone who has read this blog has figured that out pretty quickly, but thats not what I really mean. In fact I stand by every word that I wrote here. Well at least most of them... Anyhow, I'm an idiot, because I often allow myself to create more misery for myself. The worst part is, I know that doing certain things is only going to make me unhappy, but yet I do them anyway. And then the misery comes. Alright maybe misery is too strong of a word, much too strong.
Anyone else think that Eddie Murphy's "Coming To America" movie is a piece of comic genious. We've been crackin the one-liners from that movie all week here. My second favorite movie quote is from that flick "it's a damn shame what they did to that dog"
My favorite you may ask?? "Now That's a damn shame when folks be throwin away a perfectly good white boy like that" from Better Off Dead
Maybe I'll write more later.

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