Saturday, May 07, 2011

$25 for a USB Dongle sized PC

From the article:
Braben has developed a tiny USB stick PC that has a HDMI port in one end and a USB port on the other. You plug it into a HDMI socket and then connect a keyboard via the USB port giving you a fully functioning machine running a version of Linux. The cost? $25.

For $25, I'd pick one of these up in a heartbeat.

I just can't...

...get this song out of my head. And everytime I hear it, I like it a little more...

Monday, May 02, 2011

OK I Lied... One more post :)

Bin Laden

From Sports Illustrated writer Peter King:
"Smarter people than I will write today about what it means. I don't have anything deep on that, other than this: We kept our word. We said we were going after bin Laden and wouldn't stop until we found him. It took a decade, but we did it, and I'm so proud of the men and women who have done their part to defend our country and find bin Laden."

I think that pretty much covers it.