Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Goodbye Wall-o-Tunes

Killed in the name of progress...



errant razor said...

oh, that's sad. i have a wall like that too. i think i may have to cut it in half, considering i never, ever even pull out a CD to listen to any more. i like the idea of having them there, but they serve no purpose unless it's an artist i've devoted half of my life to.

JC said...

yep, around 1000 cd's all stripped of their jewelcases, and placed into binders... It's amazing how much less space those 3 binders take up than that wall.

JC said...

Oh and I never listen to them that much either... in fact, it's almost easier to bring up a song on youtube, or download it from various places, than to get up, walk across the room, pull out the CD, turn on the stereo, put the cd in the cd changer...well, you get the point. :D
I toyed with the idea of just ripping them all to my PC and selling them on eBay or something, but the packrat...err...collector in me just won't let me do it.