Tuesday, April 19, 2011


"Don't ever take a puff on a cigarette, because once you do, it's going to haunt you for the rest of your life."

Thing is, I love to smoke. I've smoked on and off since I was about 15 or so, and quit for about the millionth time last August. It's so true.
It's to the point where I was starting to have health problems... of course I have no idea if those health problems had anything to do with smoking or not, but it sure seems coincidental that they have gone away since I quit.
It's always been a part of my life... back in the day hanging out at the mall (back when you were allowed to smoke in the mall) going to seedy arcades, driving around town, or going to the local cruise. Hanging out in the garage playing in a band. Going to the bars, and having a few drinks and a smoke. Hell there's even a video of me out there lighting up the "first smoke of the new millennium" at midnight on 1/1/2000. I can't even imagine what college would have been like without my Marlboro Light Menthols, hell our dorm room and apartment was always obscured in a cloud of smoke. I used to sit for hours, playing Command and Conquer, and chain smoking.
Point being, I love to smoke. I haven't had a cigarette since August, yet every warm spring day, I feel the urge pulling me outside... go enjoy the weather, and while your at it, enjoy a nice smooth Marlboro.
Then again, I'm not really sure what my point is... maybe just lamenting that there is no such thing as a safe cigarette, as much as I wish there was. And maybe it isn't the smokes at all, but the memories that seem to have floated away like the vapor trail of a solitary cigarette in the evening.

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