Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Story time

Y'all pull up a chair, uncle JC's gonna talk about his childhood

When I was a teenager I had a job working for Burger King. One night, one of the night deposits comes up mysteriously missing. The night manager at the time mentions to the cops something about hearing that I know the combination to the safe (which I didn't) and that I had just bought a ring for my girlfriend (which I had)
So the cop comes out to interview me and my parents, asks us where I was that night (at home, and the parents confirmed it) Asked my parents if they had ever known me to sneak out of the house at night (they had, they were light sleepers) and if they were sure I didn't sneak out that night (they were)

So the cop asks my parents if he could set up an interview with me down at the station. They agree, and I go to the station where the cop start the hardcore interrogation. Tells me it would be better for everyone if I just admitted that I did it, and all that crap, and the he proceeds to tell me how this whole thing went down, in his eyes...

According to his "story", I get up at about 2:00 in the morning and sneak out a bedroom window. Before I went to bed I disabled the automatic garage door opener, so I could manually open the garage door, as it would be quieter, and my parents wouldn't hear it. Then I proceeded to push the car out of the garage, and out into the street, by myself without anyone hearing (oh and did I mention it was pouring rain that night?) After I got a ways down the street, I started the car and drove to Burger King.
To open the doors, which of course were locked, I had borrowed the keys from a manager while I was working, and pressed an imprint of the door key into clay, which I proceeded to take to a locksmith friend of mine who took that clay imprint and manufactured a key for me. I somehow managed to not trigger the alarm that was set (he never really explained how I managed that) and proceeded into the office where I opened the safe with the combination that I paid someone to give me. I then closed the safe, left the store without triggering the alarm, or leaving fingerprints on the safe, locked the doors and drove back home. When I got home I shut off the car again in the street, and pushed it back into the garage (the car was backed into the garage, and our driveway had a pretty significant hill to it) Then I closed the garage, and climbed back in the window to my room...All without leaving any sort of a trace, or waking up my parents.

And that was the believable story to this cop... somehow the story that the Night Manager had a drug problem and needed some extra cash to score was just so ridiculous, but this 17 year old kid having James Bond/MacGyver type skills is the theory they were going with...

Oh and the motive of my amazing evil villainous crime? I had just bought an "engagement ring" for my girlfriend at the time, and the following night after this amazing caper, went to pick it up with the cash I stole (Which if I remember right was about $1500 or so) I calmly explained to the cop, that I had bought a ring, but it was purchased a few weeks before that, and I had paid the paltry sum of about $100 or so. I even showed him the receipt for the item, which apparently wasn't good enough, as he tracked her down at her job and demanded to see her ring. Well nobody is going to mistake a $100 ring for a $1500 ring, so I figured it was over at that point... nope, they still made me go in and take a lie detector test (which I of course passed)

The point of this excessively long story... The simplest explanation is usually the correct one, well that and people love to create drama where there is none.

I know, I know... great story, bro! every word of it is true though.

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