Tuesday, September 16, 2003

By the way, does the fact that many of Emily Dickenson's poems can be sung to the tune of Yellow Rose Of Texas imply an endorsement of the Lone Star State by the late poet? Curious.
I know I haven't been living up to my wolfly duties of keeping many wonderful and enlightened visitors filled to the brim with Daily RedWolf quips. actually, I haven't even been providing weekly quips. I have no excuse for this, other than I am merely mortal, though my words may trick you into believing that I am divine. :) See folks, that there was a joke :)
Anyhoo, I gots me a job finally doing something that I never thought I would do. I'm sitting behind a desk answering phone calls. Suxxx to be me huh. Well at least its money.
So It seems the Chicago Cubs And Sox are making a legit run for the playoffs this year. First time since 1907 that both teams were this close at this time of the year. Amazing, the Ying-Yang of sports finally threw a lil karma Chicago's way. Now I know that we got more than our fair share with Michael Jordan's 6 Championships (cause y'all know that Jordan was the only reason the Bulls won those, any doubters should be silenced with the dreadful record the Bulls will post this year with Scottie Pippen). But Alas, I was never much of a hoops fan, so while it was mildly entertaining, it just didn't satisfy the way a good Superbowl would. Hell I would trade all 6 championships for one more Superbowl ring for the Bears, which sure the hell ain't gonna do nothin this year. How dismal can a football team be, I mean ESPN.com ranked the bears lower than the BENGALS this week. AAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! So the only hope for me is that the wonderful ChiSox sweep the lowly Twins in the series that starts tonight, and slide their way into another AL Central Pennant!!! Of course This is Chicago we're talking about, so I have no doubt they will find a way to blow it. The ChiCubs are pretty close themselves as well, with a relatively easy schedule and a record which has them one game out of first, will the First Chicago v. Chicago World Series in almost 100 years become reality? Hey If the Mets and Yankees can do it, so can we. Of course there will be millions of New Yorkers calling Chicago copycats, and saying how they've already done that years ago.
OK Nuff said on sports.
Heres your political weblink of the moment:
an excellent site on the misstatements of our current administration and the truth that needs to be told. While it holds a definite liberal bias, most of the facts presented are plain and simple truth, with clear references of support. Check it out.
Since I'm posting this at work, and probably will do so many times in the future, The NP feature has disappeared, considering that I feel lucky enough to surf the internet, and get paid while doing so, I don't think bringing a radio here would be a good idea. Anyhoo, I need to hear my phone ring, so I guess music is out of the question.
So to sum up: New Job, Chi-Town Championship, Football Blues, No Tunes, Misleader.
Have a Nice Day :)

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