Friday, June 27, 2003

This is a poll conducted on AOL, thought it was interesting. Seems people are becoming more tolerant after all, either that or this will turn into another issue like Abortion, which pretty much splits the country in half.

Does the Supreme Court ruling against sodomy laws open the door to more gay rights?

67% Yes, it is a big step 99,129
33% No, it just affects that specific issue 49,322
Total votes: 148,451

Should same-sex marriages be legal in the United States?

51% Yes 81,903
49% No 79,473
Total votes: 161,376

Note on Poll Results

Strom Thurmond dies the same day as Anti-Sodomy laws are struck down by the supreme court? Coincidence? Perhaps the old geezer's ticker couldn't take anymore...Alas we may never know the truth.
Still, I hate to admit this made me chuckle a little :)
Peace and Grease

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

NP: Mitch Malloy- Ceilings and Walls

I want to share an e-mail I received today. If you agree with the position, please support it by following the link, and signing the letter to your senators and representatives.


On March 17th, in the eve of the Iraq war, President Bush told the American people that "intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." (2) White House spokesperson Ari Fleischer said simply, "We know for a fact that there are weapons there." (3) And Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld elaborated: "We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." (4)

Now, after two months of searching by the most skilled teams in the military, not a single piece of solid evidence of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons programs in Iraq has been found. The top 87 sites identified by U.S. Central Command have turned up only vacuum cleaners, a swimming pool for Iraq's Olympic team, and a license plate factory. (5)

Officials in the CIA and other intelligence agencies have complained for months that they have been under pressure to "cook the books" on Iraq intelligence. (6) Worse, a number of the key pieces of evidence that the Bush administration has released have come unraveled:

The President's State of the Union claim that Iraq possessed an active nuclear program was based on fraudulent documents that included the forged signature of an official that weren't even in office at the time. (7)

The dossier that Prime Minister Blair and Secretary Powell relied upon in critical presentations turned out to have been partially plagiarized from a graduate student's paper from 12 years ago. (8)

The claim that Iraq could launch weapons of mass destruction in 45 minutes, first made by Prime Minister Tony Blair, now appears to have been fabricated. (9)

The administration's claim that two tractor trailer trucks found in Iraq housed "mobile weapons labs" has now been disputed by numerous experts inside and outside of the military. An official British investigation has concluded that the trailer trucks were "exactly what the Iraqis said they were -- facilities for the production of hydrogen gas to fill balloons." (10)

A President may make no more important decision than whether or not to take a country to war. If Bush and his officials deceived the American public to create support for the Iraq war, they need to be held accountable. Join the call now at:

Monday, June 16, 2003

NP- The Dan Band- Total Eclipse of the Heart.
You Know, I just wanted to add this tonight. a little under 50% of Americans voted for a man to lead this country whom I don't believe is fit to lead a parade.

The thought of that really disturbs me.
Are Americans really that dumb, or is it the "lack of Choice", I'd rather vote for an Idiot republican than a democrat. I mean seriously, did anyone really want GW to be president? Personally I liked John McCain, good man, a veteran, not a draft dodger like GW Bush, although you don't hear that story. True he showed up for his cushy little national guard duty, probably hand selected because of his pops. Why did he go missing then for over a year. Check it out, look it up, it's a fact. GW should have been over in Vietnam, Like Mr. Gore was (albeit playing a "reporter" role), but since pops pulled a few strings, he got some cushy National Guard post instead.

OK, I'm Bored, Later

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

NP: Black Lab- Black Eye

Ok so not like anyone gives a rats ass what VH1 thinks, but they rated Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" the Number one song of the past 25 years (My personal pick is U2- One). I mean, Kurt Cobain even hated that song, get over it. He's dead, they're dead, grunge is dead, move on with your lives. Nobody said that Quiet Riot's Cum on Feel the Noize was a great song, but it ushered in an era of Heavy Metal, and hair bands which lasted about the same length of time as the so called "Grunge Revolution". never mind that bands like Soundgarden, and Mother Love Bone predated Nirvana's success by a few years.

Alright enough ranting about something I can't change, now I know how all those people who don't like the Beatles feel. No band is an island.
NP: Fountains of wayne- These Days

So Sam Waksal got his comeuppance, and will be rotting in prison for the next 7 years. Good Riddance. When will Bush crony, and stealer of family fortunes Kenneth Lay be joining him for a round of rock breaking and sodomy? For that matter GW could sit a few years in the pen for his personal corruption in my opinion. I mean Kenneth McDougal/ Clinton has got nothing on Bush/Lay. Hmmm... Bush/ Lay. Better watch out or pornographic story sites will borrow my material. :)

An Absolute MUST READ, and I cannot emphasize this enough, MUST READ, is Michael Moore's book "Stupid White Men." Even if you don't agree with his or my political views, anyone who needs to know what kind of corruption our government is engaged in could benefit from reading his book. And for you conservatives who probably don't read this site, he bashes Clinton too, and I know how y'all LOVE to bash Clinton. Yee Haw!!!

NP:Jayhawks- Blue

Do the Israeli's or Palestinians really want peace? Probably not, cause the world would probably return to ignoring this horrific waste of space, and time. Outside from the obvious religious significance, which to me is extremely unimportant since I don't worship the rock that some yahoo was born on, and neither should you. If you wish to worship X deity, then by all means go ahead, but don't kill someone because the choose to worship Y deity on the so called sacred land of X deity. I don't think thats being very charitable now is it? ... And the greatest of these is charity. Above Faith, and hope, charity is the greatest. I think some people should read the books that they claim to follow. And don't tell me Muslims don't read the bible, they read the Koran, or Qa'aran or however you choose to spell it. Muslims are expected to abide by all of the holy books. I give up. Organized religion is just a good idea gone way wrong.

NP: Space Hog- In The Meantime
Anyone have a need for an IBM 9504 Monochrome monitor. This suckers 21", but not color. Lemme know.



Saturday, June 07, 2003

NP: Skid Row- I Remember You Too? Is This A F**king Joke?

I mean they can't be serious. Anyone who knows me knows that back in the day I was a huge Skid Row fan. Y'all might remember them from that cheezy love Ballad "I Remember You", so like they fired their old lead singer, hired some guy who sounds quite a bit like their old singer, but who can't sing 1/2 as good, and are putting out a new album. Great. Except one problem, they're re-recording their circa 1989 ballad as some new punk metal anthem rock thing, and boy does it ever SUCK!!!!

Give it a listen yourself by going here:

Or the direct link to the song:

it's a one minute clip, but you'll get the idea. Personally, if you dig Skid Row, check out the Atari's wicked cover of I Remember You on the Punk Goes Metal compilation.

NP: The Project (Aka Velvet Revolver)- Set Me Free

This is the new band fronted by Scott Weiland of STP, and backed with former G 'n R bandmates Slash, Matt Sorum, and Duff McKagan. I Think I like it.

Anyways Thats enough for today.


Thursday, June 05, 2003

NP: Uncle Tupelo- John Hardy

As you may have noticed, I added a Now Playing(NP) section to my rants. Sometimes it helps to see what kind of mood I'm in, plus it plugs good music. Check it out.

Kudo's to the justice department for their charges against Martha Stewart. Just cause she's famous doesn't mean she's above the law.

One question though, why isn't Kenneth Lay already in prison? Could it be that he donated millions to the Bush Campaign? Maybe if Martha Stewart had been a bigger contributer to the Bush's, she would be off the hook too. Apparently being famous doesn't mean you're above the law, but funding the Bush campaign does? Can anyone explain this to me?

Is it possible for "The Man" to keep a white boy down too??

Those who know me, know that I think that race, sexual orientation, etc. don't matter anymore, rather we live in a class society, and all discrimination is based upon class. Ain't nobody keepin Tiger Woods, or Colin Powell down now. But it is true that African Americans percentage wise are predominantly lower class. So maybe race still is a factor. Still I think it's more of who you know, rather than what you know, or what you are. One of the big reasons the U.S. declared independence is they didn't wanrt to live in a society of Arisocrats. They wanted class mobility. The so-called "American Dream." Well in the words of Van Halen, Dream another dream, this dream is over. Our generation cannot hope to achieve what our fathers did. We have become a nation of consumers, riddled with debt, while big corporations keep insisting that we need all these luxuries of life, yet ship American Jobs to foreign countries, ridding Americans the ability to earn an income sufficient to buy their necessities. Yet the conservatives rattle off their same old "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps", "Honest days pay for an Honest days work", "Stop being Lazy and get a job", ok maybe not the last one, but thats the feeling you get sometimes. Of course the Democrats seem to think if you keep throwing money at it, it'll go away.

I still want someone to explain to me how this Bush tax cut plan will stimulate the economy, considering that myself and every other American making less than $27,000 per year wont get this check in july. Plus, Bush says this will help the unemployed. OK, how does someone who doesn't have a job benefit from tax cuts. They aren't paying taxes anyway.

None of this justifies why there are so many educated people in America, college educated, many with post graduate degrees, that are waiting in Unemployment lines. I'm sorry, but the laziness, pull yourself up, honest day stuff doesn't fly with me when we're talking about people with doctorate degrees. Getting a post-graduate degree is not something you can half-ass go through. Sorry, but the economy plain sucks, and Bush isn't doing a damn thing about it.

Anyone know where the Weapons of Mass Destruction are? Contact George W. Bush asap at or by calling 202-456-1111

NP- Del Shannon- Runaway.

See now i'm getting upset, and political.

Anyone else think that American Juniors sucked? Funniest thing on American Juniors was a different set of Nelson Twins. Although they did kinda resemble the originals.

I loved that Ruben won American Idol. Have fun marketing him :)

NP- Dead Kennedys- Holiday in Cambodia

I love constantly ranting about stuff, even though nobody reads any of this. Hey, you can always e-mail me, my address is if you wish to comment, criticize, etc. Hey I might even post it if it's not too profane :)

NP: Radiohead- Fake Plastic Trees (Acoustic)

NP: fountains of Wayne- Sink.

Ok, I'm getting bored, so I'm gonna quit now. Time to play some classic games.

Update- damn I've had to repost this 4 times already cause I keep screwing up

NP- Steve Earl- I Still Carry You Around


Monday, June 02, 2003

NP: Evanescence- Bring me to life

I came across a namesake's website, thought it was interesting at the very least, so here's a link.

Anyone good at doing logo's, pix, etc. let me know.

Got a lead on a job, and I hope it pans out this time.

It's beginning to piss me off that someone swiped my domain name from me. Maybe I should file infringement against them.

Ahh, screw it. It ain't worth it I suppose.

NP: Zakk Wylde- Way Beyond Empty

EBAY SUCKS! No, not really. It's just cool to say that. Y'all know you can find all of that stuff much cheaper at rummage/yard/garage sales and such.

You want the secret to making big money on eBay? Maybe I shouldn't give this away for free, since all those get rich quick e-mail spam companies charge 39.95 for this info. Go to a garage sale, buy some old toy, or book, or game,etc, and sell it on eBay for 100X what you paid. I bought a PONG console for 3 bucks at a garage sale. two days later I saw the same kind of system get 45 bucks on eBay (without Shipping).

NP: Semisonic- Singing In My Sleep

Life used to be so much more fun. I used to be so optimistic. Life just makes me want to hate now. Society tries to teach us that we're not responsible for our own actions, and we need to find who to blame. I get much angrier than I used to, especially when dealing with people who are clueless (Bill O'Reilly). There's still some fun in life, it's just a lot harder to find. Don't think it's from having a family, and responsibility. Thats one of the great pleasures of my life. My son keeps me sane, keeps me alive, and shows me how to love. The greatest gifts come in the smallest packages. However, now I feel responsible at least partly for not giving him a good world to live in. --NP:Lucky Boys Confusion- Fred Astaire--. It's not my fault, but I haven't done much to help things either. Baby Steps I guess.

I've been online for an hour so, log off time...