Thursday, June 05, 2003

NP: Uncle Tupelo- John Hardy

As you may have noticed, I added a Now Playing(NP) section to my rants. Sometimes it helps to see what kind of mood I'm in, plus it plugs good music. Check it out.

Kudo's to the justice department for their charges against Martha Stewart. Just cause she's famous doesn't mean she's above the law.

One question though, why isn't Kenneth Lay already in prison? Could it be that he donated millions to the Bush Campaign? Maybe if Martha Stewart had been a bigger contributer to the Bush's, she would be off the hook too. Apparently being famous doesn't mean you're above the law, but funding the Bush campaign does? Can anyone explain this to me?

Is it possible for "The Man" to keep a white boy down too??

Those who know me, know that I think that race, sexual orientation, etc. don't matter anymore, rather we live in a class society, and all discrimination is based upon class. Ain't nobody keepin Tiger Woods, or Colin Powell down now. But it is true that African Americans percentage wise are predominantly lower class. So maybe race still is a factor. Still I think it's more of who you know, rather than what you know, or what you are. One of the big reasons the U.S. declared independence is they didn't wanrt to live in a society of Arisocrats. They wanted class mobility. The so-called "American Dream." Well in the words of Van Halen, Dream another dream, this dream is over. Our generation cannot hope to achieve what our fathers did. We have become a nation of consumers, riddled with debt, while big corporations keep insisting that we need all these luxuries of life, yet ship American Jobs to foreign countries, ridding Americans the ability to earn an income sufficient to buy their necessities. Yet the conservatives rattle off their same old "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps", "Honest days pay for an Honest days work", "Stop being Lazy and get a job", ok maybe not the last one, but thats the feeling you get sometimes. Of course the Democrats seem to think if you keep throwing money at it, it'll go away.

I still want someone to explain to me how this Bush tax cut plan will stimulate the economy, considering that myself and every other American making less than $27,000 per year wont get this check in july. Plus, Bush says this will help the unemployed. OK, how does someone who doesn't have a job benefit from tax cuts. They aren't paying taxes anyway.

None of this justifies why there are so many educated people in America, college educated, many with post graduate degrees, that are waiting in Unemployment lines. I'm sorry, but the laziness, pull yourself up, honest day stuff doesn't fly with me when we're talking about people with doctorate degrees. Getting a post-graduate degree is not something you can half-ass go through. Sorry, but the economy plain sucks, and Bush isn't doing a damn thing about it.

Anyone know where the Weapons of Mass Destruction are? Contact George W. Bush asap at or by calling 202-456-1111

NP- Del Shannon- Runaway.

See now i'm getting upset, and political.

Anyone else think that American Juniors sucked? Funniest thing on American Juniors was a different set of Nelson Twins. Although they did kinda resemble the originals.

I loved that Ruben won American Idol. Have fun marketing him :)

NP- Dead Kennedys- Holiday in Cambodia

I love constantly ranting about stuff, even though nobody reads any of this. Hey, you can always e-mail me, my address is if you wish to comment, criticize, etc. Hey I might even post it if it's not too profane :)

NP: Radiohead- Fake Plastic Trees (Acoustic)

NP: fountains of Wayne- Sink.

Ok, I'm getting bored, so I'm gonna quit now. Time to play some classic games.

Update- damn I've had to repost this 4 times already cause I keep screwing up

NP- Steve Earl- I Still Carry You Around


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