Friday, December 12, 2003

Before you jump on the so-called economic recovery bandwagon and say that the economy is once again booming (Laughable at best, maybe the upturn in the economy in the past month was all those people who Bush made even more wealthy, deciding their wallets were a little too heavy, or perhaps they may have been a little edgy at keeping all of that money horded, for fear of investigation) Read this report:

The University of Michigan's preliminary reading of consumer sentiment dropped to 89.6 in December from November's final reading of 93.7, leaving financial markets waiting for a result of 96.0 flat footed. (

Lets see, Hmmm spending was up, yet peoples confidence was down? As I said above, who was actually doing the spending? Seems that everyone I know is cutting way back on Christmas spending this year, and a few have lowered down to their first "Welfare Christmas". For myself, I hardly spent anything last year, and this year I'm spending less than last year. I'm sure like most people at this time last year, I thought it couldn't get much worse. I was wrong.

Just a quick question for my republican friends. How come if Democrats are tax-and -spenders, is the budget deficit highest that it has ever been under Bush, yet Under Dem. Clinton, we had a surplus, without raising taxes??? It's a mystery to me. Seems that Bush Sr and Reagan all had big budget deficits. I guess back then you could blame those Damn Dems in the house and the senate. Who're ya gonna blame this time??? You got the White House, you got the senate, and you got the House. Actually what you got is a whole lotta trouble come the next election if things arent any better.

Jaycee JC

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