Monday, December 08, 2003

I actually took the time to read through some of my old rants today, from years ago. Talk about a maturing process, and what A change I've been through! Most of the things I wrote back then were poetry, prose, and opinions on life. Lately all I seem to write about is football and GWBush! Strange how life leads us down a different path. From the time I started this until today, my whole life has undergone a total transition. Then, I was a young adult, who had made the life altering decision to quit a decent job I had in order to finish my education at Illinois State University. I had endured the last in a series of extremely devastating breakups with long term girlfriends. I suppose I was frightened, yet optimistic of what the future would hold. Today, I am a college graduate, a father, and husband. Although my life makes more sense to me now, and I've found those things that I had searched so long for, I still reflect on the lyric I wrote almost 5 years ago, from John Lennon- "How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?" I suppose I have a much better idea of where I'm going now, I'm just not sure how I get there from here.

In other news- Great organization "Locks Of Love" through donations provides hairpieces for children in financial need, who have lost their hair due to disease, or chemotherapy. Donate hair or money at

I'm so tired, It's monday, thats all I got.



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