Friday, December 19, 2003

U.S. court nixes Net music subpoenas
Friday, December 19, 2003

(Reuters) -- In a surprise setback for the recording industry, a U.S. appeals court said Friday its methods for tracking down those who copy its music over the Internet are not authorized by law.

Why is this so suprising? What The RIAA basically was doing to Verizon and it's subscribers is accessing information from them without filing a formal complaint. It would be the equivalent of the US gov't searching your home without so much as a search warrant. It so reminds me of the SouthPark episode with the record company guy who keeps saying " I AM ABOVE THE LAW!" It's about time some level headed judges stepped in and stopped this absolute breach of privacy. Regardless of their intent the RIAA previously had freewill access to the surfing habits of anyone they choose. Hmmmm.



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