Friday, December 19, 2003

U.S. court nixes Net music subpoenas
Friday, December 19, 2003

(Reuters) -- In a surprise setback for the recording industry, a U.S. appeals court said Friday its methods for tracking down those who copy its music over the Internet are not authorized by law.

Why is this so suprising? What The RIAA basically was doing to Verizon and it's subscribers is accessing information from them without filing a formal complaint. It would be the equivalent of the US gov't searching your home without so much as a search warrant. It so reminds me of the SouthPark episode with the record company guy who keeps saying " I AM ABOVE THE LAW!" It's about time some level headed judges stepped in and stopped this absolute breach of privacy. Regardless of their intent the RIAA previously had freewill access to the surfing habits of anyone they choose. Hmmmm.



Friday, December 12, 2003

Before you jump on the so-called economic recovery bandwagon and say that the economy is once again booming (Laughable at best, maybe the upturn in the economy in the past month was all those people who Bush made even more wealthy, deciding their wallets were a little too heavy, or perhaps they may have been a little edgy at keeping all of that money horded, for fear of investigation) Read this report:

The University of Michigan's preliminary reading of consumer sentiment dropped to 89.6 in December from November's final reading of 93.7, leaving financial markets waiting for a result of 96.0 flat footed. (

Lets see, Hmmm spending was up, yet peoples confidence was down? As I said above, who was actually doing the spending? Seems that everyone I know is cutting way back on Christmas spending this year, and a few have lowered down to their first "Welfare Christmas". For myself, I hardly spent anything last year, and this year I'm spending less than last year. I'm sure like most people at this time last year, I thought it couldn't get much worse. I was wrong.

Just a quick question for my republican friends. How come if Democrats are tax-and -spenders, is the budget deficit highest that it has ever been under Bush, yet Under Dem. Clinton, we had a surplus, without raising taxes??? It's a mystery to me. Seems that Bush Sr and Reagan all had big budget deficits. I guess back then you could blame those Damn Dems in the house and the senate. Who're ya gonna blame this time??? You got the White House, you got the senate, and you got the House. Actually what you got is a whole lotta trouble come the next election if things arent any better.

Jaycee JC

Monday, December 08, 2003

I actually took the time to read through some of my old rants today, from years ago. Talk about a maturing process, and what A change I've been through! Most of the things I wrote back then were poetry, prose, and opinions on life. Lately all I seem to write about is football and GWBush! Strange how life leads us down a different path. From the time I started this until today, my whole life has undergone a total transition. Then, I was a young adult, who had made the life altering decision to quit a decent job I had in order to finish my education at Illinois State University. I had endured the last in a series of extremely devastating breakups with long term girlfriends. I suppose I was frightened, yet optimistic of what the future would hold. Today, I am a college graduate, a father, and husband. Although my life makes more sense to me now, and I've found those things that I had searched so long for, I still reflect on the lyric I wrote almost 5 years ago, from John Lennon- "How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?" I suppose I have a much better idea of where I'm going now, I'm just not sure how I get there from here.

In other news- Great organization "Locks Of Love" through donations provides hairpieces for children in financial need, who have lost their hair due to disease, or chemotherapy. Donate hair or money at

I'm so tired, It's monday, thats all I got.



Wednesday, December 03, 2003

In other news, In a move that I admit suprised me just slightly, yetis way overdue, The NFL fined a referee half of his paycheck for a mistake he made that lead to Seattle's loss on Sunday in OT.

From YORK (AP) - Referee Tom White was fined $2,600 for failing to restart the clock at the end of the Seattle-Baltimore game, a mistake that contributed to the Seahawks' 44-41 overtime loss.
The fine represented half of White's game check, supervisor of officials Mike Pereira said Wednesday.

The entire crew was reprimanded for its performance during the Nov. 23 game, presumably hurting its chances to officiate in the playoffs. Crews are assigned to the postseason based on their regular-season ratings.

Heres the link:

Now, as anyone who reads this knows, I am one of the harshest critics of the Zebras, and their related species in other sports. And I have said at times that an official should be held accountable for every call that they make incorrectly, possibly in the form of fines or reprimands. I also believe that the NFL should have people view footage of every game to make sure that the Officials are making the right calls. But While i doubt that will ever happen, I think the actions by the NFL are a step in the right direction. When you have an official blatantly not following the rules of the game, and forgetting to restart the game clock, I mean thats just inexcusable. I think this is a great thing, and I believe that these fines should be continued. Maybe the NFL should institute a three strikes policy, where if you make three bad decisions that directly affect the outcome of a game you're immediately terminated. Anyone interested in starting a "Zebra Watch" website that documents each bd call by each official? :)

Ahlrightie! Thats all my bitchin for now.

Hasta La Pasta

It's been a little while since I blogged, and I suppose now I have a lot to say. BTW that devastatin Dave thing, It's the actual music from that e-mail of the worst album covers of all time. If you haven't seen it just do a google search for devastatin dave, and you'll find it, really funny stuff.

I am so pissed at the way things are happening lately. First of all my watch battery is dead, so like I'm all askew in my bearings now. I hate looking at the clock. Secondly, I'm browsing the internet as usual at work when I come across 2 things at the website. First, an announcement that they are closing their ROM vault. For those not in the know, these are the game codes for classic game systems as well as arcade games. Most of these games had not been produced or marketed for years, yet for some reason, Manufacturers seem to want to close down any efforts to preserve these games. I wasn't sure why until i saw an earlier post on the same website. Atari Releases a 80 in 1 cd of games featuring a few arcade classics as well as some repackaged Atari 2600 games. Hmmm. Does anyone really think that people will buy a collection of 2600 games to play on PS2 or X-box? I mean really. So it dawns on me that they release these games just to keep people from distributing the roms. It makes the game availible to the public and makes the OOP rom suddenly highly illegal. Pure greed in my opinion, but alas, I guess I'll have to find somewhere else to get my "Legal" roms, Which actually are legal since I own most of the games that I have roms for. More to come later...

Thursday, November 20, 2003

At times I can be a complete idiot. I'm sure anyone who has read this blog has figured that out pretty quickly, but thats not what I really mean. In fact I stand by every word that I wrote here. Well at least most of them... Anyhow, I'm an idiot, because I often allow myself to create more misery for myself. The worst part is, I know that doing certain things is only going to make me unhappy, but yet I do them anyway. And then the misery comes. Alright maybe misery is too strong of a word, much too strong.
Anyone else think that Eddie Murphy's "Coming To America" movie is a piece of comic genious. We've been crackin the one-liners from that movie all week here. My second favorite movie quote is from that flick "it's a damn shame what they did to that dog"
My favorite you may ask?? "Now That's a damn shame when folks be throwin away a perfectly good white boy like that" from Better Off Dead
Maybe I'll write more later.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Oh yeah, My annual Birthday blog has been delayed until next year, due to lack of interest on my part, any questions, feel free to ask. In it's place I will give these tidbits:
My brother got me a juggling kit, but I don't really juggle.
My woman got me some good books on politics and Government, a couple of really cool time period pieces on the former Soviet Bloc
My Dad forgot my birthday :(
Nothing has really changed all that much in a year.
I got older, maybe wiser, maybe not. I bitched a lot about the government, things only got worse. Maybe next year will be better, then again maybe it won't...
Until the return of the annual Birthday rant...
I bid you piece (mmmm Cheesecake!)
Just read 2 interesting tidbits on the web today. First of all the "10 Commandments" judge was removed from his post! Kudos, the system does still work sometimes, at least kinda. To quote TMQ (aka Gregg Easterbrook) "Why, is the Christian right maintaining that a 5,000-pound hunk of stone has anything to do with God, faith, or higher purpose? If you've got to look at a hunk of stone in order to believe, then you don't believe." You can Find Mr. Easterbrooks Blog in the links, also his weekly Tuesday Morning QB on

Secondly, apparently the wonderfully awful Vivendi Universal group has sold off to CNet, which plans to promptly shut it down and remove all content, only to reopen it as an information site about music, with {GASP!} NO DOWNLOADS! Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't CNet a software download site??? So why are they planning to buy, and take out all of the mp3's? Does that make any sense? Why not buy something like to make a news and info site with? Has everyone gone goofy???
I read through a lot of blogs while I'm sitting here at my desk day after day, and I realized today that I'm really jealous of all the people who blog from college. I miss it sometimes, actually quite a bit. Of course I wouldn't trade what I've got now for anything. It just seems less stressful now to think about the big worries of school (like paper deadlines, exams) versus the stresses of the real world (can we pay our rent this month) Memories are gray, but man they're really comin back...
{short pause for flashback}
I suppose we all have to grow up sometime...
On to some political news:
GWBush takes credit for the introduction of about 130,000 jobs in October mainly in the service and temporary industries (90% ish). That must've taken guts. Under his administration, between 2 million to 4 million (depending on who you ask) Jobs were lost, and this guy is taking credit for a hundred thou? Net result: GWBush Administration -1,870,000 to 3,870,000 Jobs lost. In my opinion, you shouldn't brag about any increase in jobs until that 2-4 mil is back working. Of course I'm sure those people are just lazy and don't want to work. Another report stated that 1/3 of Americans will have extreme difficulty putting food on the table this Holiday Season (up from an average of about 20% or 1/5 over the past 20 years) I guess under the Bush rule, approximately 13 percent of Americans just suddenly got Lazy? Hmmmm....
Have A Nice Weekend :)

Friday, October 24, 2003

Yea Tho Thy Football Gods Have spoken!!!!
Actually word just came in that there is hope for the TMQ column. While it will reside no longer in the abyss of ESP(Noplug) It's future still remains uncertain, yet information will be posted on I will be adding the link to this website as well as to my main page.
Alas we may not be without our TMQ for long.

Now on a serious note. I do not endorse or support the stupid statement made by Mr. Easterbrook, although as many bloggers can relate to, I have myself said stupid things that I'm not proud of. I can understand this oversight by this person, but as in many other things in life, there aren't many second chances. Hopefully he doesn't make this mistake again. That said, I find it absolutely idiotic and extremely disturbing that the folks over at ESP(noplug) decided to erase any trace of the TMQ column ever existing there. It's kind of scary. But what's really frightening is that Michael Eisner seems to be the one who personally pulled the plug on Easterbrook. And his true intentions have come into question as well. It seems that there are accusations against the Disney/ABC CEO that he used the Anti-semitism commentary as an excuse to fire TMQ because he didn't like the fact that Easterbrook publicly insulted him on another site. So was he fired for his comments about Judaism, or because he insulted the boss? I guess only he knows for sure.
Oh and by the way, it doesn't matter what faith you are, the people who produce tripe like Kill Bill are simply out for the buck. It's sick what people do for money. Personally I have not seen the movie, so I will refrain from being too critical about it, but from what most people who have seen it have said, is that it's just a vehicle for gratuituous violence. Given that, I doubt that I will ever see it.
There, Enuff said I suppose.
More to Come....

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Coming off the heels of the loss of one of the internets best free football pools (, now ESPN's Gregg Easterbrook (AKA Tuesday Morning Quarterback, AKA TMQ) has been relieved of his post on's page 2. More than likely due to his poorly worded but essentially true harsh criticism of Disney's Michael Eisner and Miramax's film Kill Bill. I guess you don't diss the boss publicly and expect to be around for very long (disney is ESPN's Parent company). I suppose I'll have to find more entertaining ways to pass my tuesday mornings now. (SIGH).
So are the Bears the worst team in football? Probably not, but pretty damn close. Is it just me or has pro football become a watered down talentless shell of it's former self. Where the hell are all the "Star" players (and if anyone says Brett Favre, i will beat them to death with their own shoe) Maybe I'm missing it, but I just don't see the awesome players of yesteryears being replaced by new Stars. It seems like the NFL may be going through a rut similar to the post Jordan NBA. Maybe it's the up and coming stars such as Michael Vick, Chad Pennington, etc are injured. Maybe the older guard i.e. Brett Favre, Emmitt Smith, Jerry Rice, are hanging on too long. Whatever it is, the number of games that I actually want to watch this year has dwindled from a few to just about none.
In baseball news: reports that ratings for Game 1 of the world series are up 19% wow, sounds like ol JC was wrong about the ratings drop. Well when you actually read the article and not just the headline you learn that Game one was the 3rd lowest rated World Series opener EVER. The ratings were up 19% from last year which was THE lowest rated world series opener in history. Hmmmm, sounds like ratings went overnight from the highest rated league Championship series to the third lowest World Series opener. Translation: Nobody Cares anymore. There's no curse to overcome, theres no overcoming demons from the past. There'sno thrilling who's gonna make it all the way. What it comes down to is that outside of New York, and Florida (Miami) nobody's watching this thing, because no one cares. Why, cause we all know that the Yankees are gonna win it all for the billionth time, and to be honest, even if they don't, Florida has done so much to destroy whatever fan base it had developed back in 1997, that few people there even care all that much, after all there were probably as many cubs fans watching down in florida during the LCS. But I guess thats expected when you completely dismantle a world series team and go from first to worst in 1 season. But I suppose I'm totally understanding of this being from Chicago, where this is like an annual thing for us. Ever wonder why there's so many Packer fans at a Green Bay Chicago game in Chicago. Because ladies love cool Brett? Nah, cause the stoopid a$$ bears can't fill the seats with die hard Chicago fans. It's kind of hard to do when you havent won much in the past 15 years.
Go Blackhawks???

Friday, October 17, 2003

So it has come to pass that the worst possible outcome for major league baseball has occurred. Alas the Mighty Yankees have sqashed the hopes of the Boston Red Sox, and the Florida Marlins Reversed the Curse Reverse, both in game seven, both in ultra dramatic fashion, almost as if the Baseball Gods were saying, "you really didn't think that Boston and Chicago were going to win did you???" Betcha Ol Louie is enjoying that cupcake right now(see below). Unless Florida manages to Sweep the Yankees, I gots a feeling that the ratings are gonna take a nosedive on Saturday, but I guess we'll see.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Quote of the day from Cubs outfielder Moises Alou:
"They don't go to school," Alou said, "to be taught what balls not to touch."
Pure Genius.

As it seems the Cubs are on the verge of self-destructing once again, I suppose they made things at least a bit interesting. But if I were Major League Baseball, I would do everything in my power to ensure that the Cubs and/or The Red Sox make it to the big game. Because, without one of those 2 teams in the series, those oh so high ratings that have been blessing MLB will vanish like a cupcake in Louie Anderson's house (or is it Don Zimmer's?)

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Finally a job that Dubya is suited for :)

U.S. President George W. Bush (news - web sites) serves up a hamburger during an unscheduled stop at Caesarios's pizzeria in Manchester, New Hampshire, October 9, 2003.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Interesting link I just received. If you want to read about one persons trials and tribulations with the RIAA, go to
It's interesting to read her account of what happened. If you feel so inclined, donate a little of your speare change to this girl, share some of the burden that I think is being unfairly placed on a few scapegoats. And as always, comments are welcome and appreciated.

Friday, September 19, 2003

Yesterday, while discussing the Pariot Act's ability to empower the Government to access Library records of it's citizens to find out what books people have been checking out, as well as a myriad of other things, our fearless Attorney General John Ashcroft has stated that the Government has never used this ability. Because they've never used it, people who are angry about it, and claim that it's a violation of our first amendment rights are Hysterical in their paranoia. In fact here is a quote from his website on what he thinks people who are fighting this are thinking.
""Your local library has been surrounded by the FBI." Agents are working round-the-clock. Like the X-Files, they are dressed in raincoats, dark suits, and sporting sunglasses. They stop patrons and librarians and interrogate everyone like Joe Friday. In a dull monotone they ask every person exiting the library, "Why were you at the library? What were you reading? Did you see anything suspicious?"

According to these breathless reports and baseless hysteria, some have convinced the American Library Association that under the bipartisan Patriot Act, the FBI is not fighting terrorism. Instead, agents are checking how far you have gotten on the latest Tom Clancy novel. "

Mr. Ashcroft, we are not dumb. The simple threat of this type of behavior is enough to cause people concern whether or not the Government actually ever uses it. I mean, you could just as easily say that "we are passing a law that restricts your right to free speech in situations where your speaking might influence the decision of voters" yet come out and say, "It doesn't really matter because the FBI neither has the resources or the time to regulate what people say in their own homes, so in reality, free speech is not threatened."
The fact is, the law is there, and whether you choose to enforce it or not is irrelevant. The fact is that you can enforce it if you want to and this is a severe infraction into the freedoms that we cherish as Americans. Whether you choose to enforce or enact the laws you pass does not make them any less legal. The fact is you can do it, and whenever the need arises you will do it, regardless of what the publics perception of "need" happens to be.
Perhaps this is the reason that Missouri chose to vote a deceased person into office rather than you.

On Another front...
Michael Moore was recently quoted as saying that in a confrontation with George W. Bush (notice that I omit his appointed title), GW told Michael to "Get a real Job." I think in this economy, GW should be happy that Michael has a job at all, since He's responsible for almost 3 million Americans being put out of work since 2001. And the even funnier thing is that the only solution that GW has is to tell people to go out and get a job. Maybe he thinks finding a job is that simple since every position he's held in his life was handed to him on a silver freakin platter. So anyway, come election time, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that GW gets his walking papers, and hangs his head in shame for the trip back to Crawford TX. I think you all should do the same too.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

...So you're saying Jesus was made out of crackers?...
Anyone else think the communion wafer "body and Blood of Christ" thing is a bit weird?
Just curious.
Yes, I am still alive and kicking.
And No, I am not having fun yet.
BTW, someday soon, I'm gonna update my crappy webpage, but I'm not sure when. Jeez I am never satisfied with the thing.
I like toast, especially with margarine.
I am way too old to enjoy the type of entertainment that I do. I think that Disney Channel rocks, I love staying up late to watch Even Stevens and Boy Meets World. I am a sick and twisted individual
In other news: The Beatles are re-releasing Let it Be without all of the Phil Spector production crap on it. and are calling it "Let It Be...Naked." With the age of both Sir Paul, and Ringo, and the lack of life present in John and George, I certainly hope naked only refers to the music. Anyway, I am highly anticipating this release in November, and hope the RIAA reverses it's decision on suing small children and old men so that I can drop my boycott and buy it. Otherwise, I suppose it would make a great stocking stuffer (HINT HINT!) :)
So like this Hurricane Isabel thing is hitting the east coast right now. Good luck to all of ya out there, remeber it can't rain all the time.
I'm bored. I'll jot more later.
Oh yeah, the Sox better win today, or they can kiss it all goodbye!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Oh yeah, on another note that I just remebered:
I will never again purchase a new Compact Disc, Cassette, DVD, or whatever other format they throw out, from a major label recording company, unless these frivilous lawsuits against file sharing stop. Ya wanna know who should be sued is the RIAA, for defamation of character, for false and illegal representation of a product (CD's) and for unjust and illegal harassment. Bottom line in this story, and multi-billion dollar industry who thinks it's appropriate to extort two-thousand dollars from a 12 year old girl, and her family is not worthy of my or anyone elses hard earned cash for their substandard product anyway. In my life I have personally purchased well over 1000 cd's, and have in my collection close to 2000 complete sound recordings on various formats including LP, Cassette, 8-Track. In weighted price value, It could easily be argued that i have between 20-40 thousand dollars wrapped up in music products. So I have been a regular and good customer of the music industry for the past 30 years of my life. However, it has come to the point where I can no longer support the business practices of the giant conglomerates who don't really care anymore about music, rather they just care about money. So as I have stated, I am boycotting all major label products until they reverse their position on actively pursuing all persons who share files. I personally do not actively share files on Kazaa, or whatever other services you can think of. I do have a few posted on my website, which hopefully will not cause any stir, and rather are meant to influence record sales. I think though, with this stand that I am taking, I will no longer provide any samples of music from major label artists that is currently in print. Rarities, and unreleased songs will continue to be featured, as well as independent label artists.
When people share whole albums, or burn bootleg copies of commercially availible material for selling purposes, I believe that is wrong. But to threaten charges of up to $750 per song is not only ridiculous, it has no basis in reality. Maybe the RIAA should examine it's altered sense of reality, start producing music people actually want to buy, and stop threatening their customers, otherwise they may truly have a crisis on their hands.
Anyone wishing to join my boycott please e-mail me and I will include your name, or alias on my webpage.
Comments and questions should be e-mailed to me.
By the way, does the fact that many of Emily Dickenson's poems can be sung to the tune of Yellow Rose Of Texas imply an endorsement of the Lone Star State by the late poet? Curious.
I know I haven't been living up to my wolfly duties of keeping many wonderful and enlightened visitors filled to the brim with Daily RedWolf quips. actually, I haven't even been providing weekly quips. I have no excuse for this, other than I am merely mortal, though my words may trick you into believing that I am divine. :) See folks, that there was a joke :)
Anyhoo, I gots me a job finally doing something that I never thought I would do. I'm sitting behind a desk answering phone calls. Suxxx to be me huh. Well at least its money.
So It seems the Chicago Cubs And Sox are making a legit run for the playoffs this year. First time since 1907 that both teams were this close at this time of the year. Amazing, the Ying-Yang of sports finally threw a lil karma Chicago's way. Now I know that we got more than our fair share with Michael Jordan's 6 Championships (cause y'all know that Jordan was the only reason the Bulls won those, any doubters should be silenced with the dreadful record the Bulls will post this year with Scottie Pippen). But Alas, I was never much of a hoops fan, so while it was mildly entertaining, it just didn't satisfy the way a good Superbowl would. Hell I would trade all 6 championships for one more Superbowl ring for the Bears, which sure the hell ain't gonna do nothin this year. How dismal can a football team be, I mean ranked the bears lower than the BENGALS this week. AAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! So the only hope for me is that the wonderful ChiSox sweep the lowly Twins in the series that starts tonight, and slide their way into another AL Central Pennant!!! Of course This is Chicago we're talking about, so I have no doubt they will find a way to blow it. The ChiCubs are pretty close themselves as well, with a relatively easy schedule and a record which has them one game out of first, will the First Chicago v. Chicago World Series in almost 100 years become reality? Hey If the Mets and Yankees can do it, so can we. Of course there will be millions of New Yorkers calling Chicago copycats, and saying how they've already done that years ago.
OK Nuff said on sports.
Heres your political weblink of the moment:
an excellent site on the misstatements of our current administration and the truth that needs to be told. While it holds a definite liberal bias, most of the facts presented are plain and simple truth, with clear references of support. Check it out.
Since I'm posting this at work, and probably will do so many times in the future, The NP feature has disappeared, considering that I feel lucky enough to surf the internet, and get paid while doing so, I don't think bringing a radio here would be a good idea. Anyhoo, I need to hear my phone ring, so I guess music is out of the question.
So to sum up: New Job, Chi-Town Championship, Football Blues, No Tunes, Misleader.
Have a Nice Day :)

Monday, September 01, 2003

Just wanted to comment on the 10 Commandments thing in Alabama.
Well I won't tell you all my opinion, cause that should be obvious. However, an unlikely scribe waxing poetic about football known simply as TMQ on espn's Page2 (At, provided what I feel is an excellent insight given by a good Christian boy :)
anyway here's an excerpt:
Judge Roy Moore, the publicity-seeker who put the 2.5-ton Ten Commandments in the Alabama state courthouse, declared Monday that he could disobey the direct order of a federal judge because "judges do not make laws, they interpret them." Since, Moore continued, an interpretation can be wrong, therefore he may defy a judicial order. So presumably Judge Moore also thinks that if he sentences a man to prison, the man can declare that the interpretation might be wrong and walk free? It's exactly the same logic.

Moore further said that the First Amendment precept, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion," does not apply to him because "I am not Congress." Drag this incompetent lunatic out of the court quickly, please. Anyone with entry-level knowledge of Constitutional law knows that the 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, was intended to extend the Bill of Rights to state governments; that a 1937 Supreme Court decision specifically declared that the First Amendment binds state officials like Judge Moore.

As a church-going Christian -- TMQ was in church on Sunday -- I find it deeply embarrassing when Christianity is associated, in the public eye, with hucksters like Moore. I find it embarrassing, too, when Christians supporting Moore's hunk of stone suggest that a big object in a public square is what matters, rather than the power of God's message itself. Anyone who needs to look at a big object in order to believe, doesn't really believe.

How is it that there are so many Judges who are placed in a position where Partisan politics should never play a role, and where personal agendas should not factor in, yet seem to not be concerned with the letter of the law, rather only be concerned with furthering their own agenda? What scares me more is how so many judges are in power today without even a rudimentary understanding of Constitutional law. Its funny that the BBC can have the knowledge to call the U.S. Constitution "Secular", yet many politicians and Judges, Including our wonderful appointed leader G.W. seem to have trouble understanding this. Here's a challenge for y'all, show me just one instance of God being mentioned in the Constitution. Just one. Hmmm, having problems? Of Course you are! Cause it isn't there. Not once. The closest reference to God is at the very end, there is a mention of "in the year of our lord" referring to the practice of dating things using the terms B.C. and A.D. (Which means "anno Domini" translated to "the year of our Lord" not "After Death" like many people foolishly believe) Here's the actual quote:
Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September "in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven" and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth IN WITNESS whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names

Hardly the smoking gun linking the Constitution to religion. But hey, to each his own I suppose. I mean after all you can sing any Emily Dickenson poem to "The Yellow Rose of Texas" And some people claim that the bible is written in code, and by reading every twelfth word, you can learn how to build a spaceship to Mars or something like that.
I'm thinking about asking Canada to grant me exile....

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

NP- Supertramp "School"
Interesting thing I found online from Gunnar Nelson (of that hair band Nelson)
He has a great point on the Napster/file sharing controversy, which I will include below, with my own comments following.

Gunnar Nelson:
Once the technology existed whereby consumers could have, in their hands, full-fidelity MASTER recordings of an album, it was all over for us creative folk as far as our ability to truly protect our copyrighted works from being duplicated. The music industry (‘the major label record companies’) were practically falling all over themselves in the stampede to re-release every record title in their huge catalogues on CD, so we consumers would go out and spend thousands of dollars re-buying our favorite albums that we’d already bought first on 33 rpm (in our grandparent’s day) then on 45, then on LP records, then on 8 track, then on cassette, then on DAT (serious pros only, really), then digital compact cassette, then minidisk, then CD. After ripping off the musicians that made them billions (by keeping the rights to their bands’ master recordings even after the bands had re-paid the record labels for advancing the recording funds- please note several previous inspirations that explain the serious problems that’s existed with the business model of the music industry for the past sixty years)- the record companies have brazenly ripped off the music lover/consumer by making them re-buy every record in their collection every time a new, better format has come out that’s made every previous format and media collection obsolete.

And now they want us all to help them preserve their profit margins during this ‘illegal downloading crisis’? OH MY GOD. Please.

You just ask any multi-platinum artist, ANY one, exactly how much they’ve actually made by selling records throughout their career, and they’ll tell you DOUGHNUT. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. A musical artist makes their livelihood by touring and merchandise sales. Not selling records… just because the record labels have had them all by the balls (figuratively speaking, of course) and told them in essence that it was either contractual indentured servitude, or the highway. There were plenty of garage bands out there willing to sell their souls (and any realistic hope of making any money whatsoever selling their records), ready to take your place if you balked at the terms of your contract. The strong-arming has gone on for years. But if you were a muzo and wanted to be big-time, you had to bend over and thank them in the process. It was hell. Trust me, I know.

With all this in mind, can you understand why (with a few exceptions) recording artists are not running to the aid of their labels (publicly or privately) during this ‘downloading crisis’? Yeah man, theoretically it’s stealing, and it’s a drag. But the major labels have created the ‘Robin Hood’ mob mentality that’s out there today. It’s taken sixty years of the labels raping and pillaging not only the record-buying public, but also their own recording artists, to get our collective mindsets to where they are today…and the current paradigm is here to stay.

Interesting to get a musicians point of view, someone who gets screwed by file sharing. And He's right, with the exception of Lars Ulrich of Metallica (who coincidentally runs E/M ventures which is the Electra/Metallica label that metallica is on) what major artists are really stepping up and supporting the RIAA? And why does the RIAA think this is good business? True, it may be stealing, but who are the real crooks here? People who are a little older than 30 might remember back when the CD was first introduced, that the Record Labels guaranteed that they would last a lifetime. Actually it's printed in several older CD cases/inserts. Yet we now know that the shelf life of a CD is actually shorter than Vinyl when Vinyl is treated correctly. CD's have an average life span of approximately 15 years before oxidation begins deteriorating the Aluminum where the code is stored. Furthermore, the epoxy that holds CD's together was notorious for disintegrating during the first few years of production. If you have a CD that was made in the mid 80's chances are it has either a rainbow colored marking on the playable side, or something is peeling on it. Lies and Fraud in my opinion. Especially when we were told that unlike vinyl, the CD was virtually indestructible (ha-ha!) I was one of the stupid ones that replaced a lot of my Vinyl with CD, even though my vinyl was in better shape, and I swear sounds better.
You know it's kind of funny, and I believe appropriately describes the true motives of the RIAA, when in the Napster case they refused to discuss licensing for the music that was being downloaded, yet they screamed that the Bands were the victims of hundreds of millions of dollars in lost royalties. If the RIAA was remotely interested in protecting Artist royalties, they would have come up with some online licensing thing where the service pays royalties based on the number of songs downloaded, much like Radio stations pay to play the music. The RIAA refused further, even with congressional pressure to set up a Standard Royalty System for downloads, so that future sharing services could share files legally, and get royalties to the artists. So why did the refuse to do this? Simple, they aren't interested in the artist at all. They fear that online sharing will cut into their profit margins, and they want the whole pie for themselves. Plus, god forbid the file sharing technique completely eliminated the need for the RIAA, and the Record labels. Why would the artists need a go between, when they can get music directly to their customers with little cost. Frankly I don't know why any major popular artist is still using the Record Label method. Start your own label, use the internet as distribution, recoup 100% of the profits. Screw the RIAA, since they've already screwed the artists enough. I would rather download a song and send a royalty check directly to every artist I download, than to buy a new CD.
Anyway as Dennis Miller says, Thats just my opinion, I could be wrong...

More info availible at and


Thursday, July 24, 2003

I'm still alive, if anyone's wondering, although the financial crises, floods, and wonderful midwest weather has kept me preoccupied, in addition to getting screwed on eBay. See my arcade page for more info on that. But I did sell 105 (8-Tracks) for about 150 bills on eBay, so it's all good.
Must reads:

Jim Hightower- There's nothing in the middle of the road except yellow stripes and dead armadillos
Al Franken- Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and other observations

Must Not Reads:
Ann Coulter- Treason
Why, you may ask? Well because it's filled with skewed statistics, ouright lies, and my favorite quote, "Some of my best friends are liberals"... Well maybe read it, enjoy the venom that spews from the devisive, hate filled speech that resounds from the text, but please don't read blindly.
OK, I know that Al Franken's book is a little biased too, but at least it was funny. The difference between Franken and Coulter is Frankens use of comedy to spread his biases, where Coulter just uses hate and sweeping generalizations.
Enough for now, more on all of this later.

Friday, June 27, 2003

This is a poll conducted on AOL, thought it was interesting. Seems people are becoming more tolerant after all, either that or this will turn into another issue like Abortion, which pretty much splits the country in half.

Does the Supreme Court ruling against sodomy laws open the door to more gay rights?

67% Yes, it is a big step 99,129
33% No, it just affects that specific issue 49,322
Total votes: 148,451

Should same-sex marriages be legal in the United States?

51% Yes 81,903
49% No 79,473
Total votes: 161,376

Note on Poll Results

Strom Thurmond dies the same day as Anti-Sodomy laws are struck down by the supreme court? Coincidence? Perhaps the old geezer's ticker couldn't take anymore...Alas we may never know the truth.
Still, I hate to admit this made me chuckle a little :)
Peace and Grease

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

NP: Mitch Malloy- Ceilings and Walls

I want to share an e-mail I received today. If you agree with the position, please support it by following the link, and signing the letter to your senators and representatives.


On March 17th, in the eve of the Iraq war, President Bush told the American people that "intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." (2) White House spokesperson Ari Fleischer said simply, "We know for a fact that there are weapons there." (3) And Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld elaborated: "We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." (4)

Now, after two months of searching by the most skilled teams in the military, not a single piece of solid evidence of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons programs in Iraq has been found. The top 87 sites identified by U.S. Central Command have turned up only vacuum cleaners, a swimming pool for Iraq's Olympic team, and a license plate factory. (5)

Officials in the CIA and other intelligence agencies have complained for months that they have been under pressure to "cook the books" on Iraq intelligence. (6) Worse, a number of the key pieces of evidence that the Bush administration has released have come unraveled:

The President's State of the Union claim that Iraq possessed an active nuclear program was based on fraudulent documents that included the forged signature of an official that weren't even in office at the time. (7)

The dossier that Prime Minister Blair and Secretary Powell relied upon in critical presentations turned out to have been partially plagiarized from a graduate student's paper from 12 years ago. (8)

The claim that Iraq could launch weapons of mass destruction in 45 minutes, first made by Prime Minister Tony Blair, now appears to have been fabricated. (9)

The administration's claim that two tractor trailer trucks found in Iraq housed "mobile weapons labs" has now been disputed by numerous experts inside and outside of the military. An official British investigation has concluded that the trailer trucks were "exactly what the Iraqis said they were -- facilities for the production of hydrogen gas to fill balloons." (10)

A President may make no more important decision than whether or not to take a country to war. If Bush and his officials deceived the American public to create support for the Iraq war, they need to be held accountable. Join the call now at:

Monday, June 16, 2003

NP- The Dan Band- Total Eclipse of the Heart.
You Know, I just wanted to add this tonight. a little under 50% of Americans voted for a man to lead this country whom I don't believe is fit to lead a parade.

The thought of that really disturbs me.
Are Americans really that dumb, or is it the "lack of Choice", I'd rather vote for an Idiot republican than a democrat. I mean seriously, did anyone really want GW to be president? Personally I liked John McCain, good man, a veteran, not a draft dodger like GW Bush, although you don't hear that story. True he showed up for his cushy little national guard duty, probably hand selected because of his pops. Why did he go missing then for over a year. Check it out, look it up, it's a fact. GW should have been over in Vietnam, Like Mr. Gore was (albeit playing a "reporter" role), but since pops pulled a few strings, he got some cushy National Guard post instead.

OK, I'm Bored, Later

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

NP: Black Lab- Black Eye

Ok so not like anyone gives a rats ass what VH1 thinks, but they rated Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" the Number one song of the past 25 years (My personal pick is U2- One). I mean, Kurt Cobain even hated that song, get over it. He's dead, they're dead, grunge is dead, move on with your lives. Nobody said that Quiet Riot's Cum on Feel the Noize was a great song, but it ushered in an era of Heavy Metal, and hair bands which lasted about the same length of time as the so called "Grunge Revolution". never mind that bands like Soundgarden, and Mother Love Bone predated Nirvana's success by a few years.

Alright enough ranting about something I can't change, now I know how all those people who don't like the Beatles feel. No band is an island.
NP: Fountains of wayne- These Days

So Sam Waksal got his comeuppance, and will be rotting in prison for the next 7 years. Good Riddance. When will Bush crony, and stealer of family fortunes Kenneth Lay be joining him for a round of rock breaking and sodomy? For that matter GW could sit a few years in the pen for his personal corruption in my opinion. I mean Kenneth McDougal/ Clinton has got nothing on Bush/Lay. Hmmm... Bush/ Lay. Better watch out or pornographic story sites will borrow my material. :)

An Absolute MUST READ, and I cannot emphasize this enough, MUST READ, is Michael Moore's book "Stupid White Men." Even if you don't agree with his or my political views, anyone who needs to know what kind of corruption our government is engaged in could benefit from reading his book. And for you conservatives who probably don't read this site, he bashes Clinton too, and I know how y'all LOVE to bash Clinton. Yee Haw!!!

NP:Jayhawks- Blue

Do the Israeli's or Palestinians really want peace? Probably not, cause the world would probably return to ignoring this horrific waste of space, and time. Outside from the obvious religious significance, which to me is extremely unimportant since I don't worship the rock that some yahoo was born on, and neither should you. If you wish to worship X deity, then by all means go ahead, but don't kill someone because the choose to worship Y deity on the so called sacred land of X deity. I don't think thats being very charitable now is it? ... And the greatest of these is charity. Above Faith, and hope, charity is the greatest. I think some people should read the books that they claim to follow. And don't tell me Muslims don't read the bible, they read the Koran, or Qa'aran or however you choose to spell it. Muslims are expected to abide by all of the holy books. I give up. Organized religion is just a good idea gone way wrong.

NP: Space Hog- In The Meantime
Anyone have a need for an IBM 9504 Monochrome monitor. This suckers 21", but not color. Lemme know.



Saturday, June 07, 2003

NP: Skid Row- I Remember You Too? Is This A F**king Joke?

I mean they can't be serious. Anyone who knows me knows that back in the day I was a huge Skid Row fan. Y'all might remember them from that cheezy love Ballad "I Remember You", so like they fired their old lead singer, hired some guy who sounds quite a bit like their old singer, but who can't sing 1/2 as good, and are putting out a new album. Great. Except one problem, they're re-recording their circa 1989 ballad as some new punk metal anthem rock thing, and boy does it ever SUCK!!!!

Give it a listen yourself by going here:

Or the direct link to the song:

it's a one minute clip, but you'll get the idea. Personally, if you dig Skid Row, check out the Atari's wicked cover of I Remember You on the Punk Goes Metal compilation.

NP: The Project (Aka Velvet Revolver)- Set Me Free

This is the new band fronted by Scott Weiland of STP, and backed with former G 'n R bandmates Slash, Matt Sorum, and Duff McKagan. I Think I like it.

Anyways Thats enough for today.


Thursday, June 05, 2003

NP: Uncle Tupelo- John Hardy

As you may have noticed, I added a Now Playing(NP) section to my rants. Sometimes it helps to see what kind of mood I'm in, plus it plugs good music. Check it out.

Kudo's to the justice department for their charges against Martha Stewart. Just cause she's famous doesn't mean she's above the law.

One question though, why isn't Kenneth Lay already in prison? Could it be that he donated millions to the Bush Campaign? Maybe if Martha Stewart had been a bigger contributer to the Bush's, she would be off the hook too. Apparently being famous doesn't mean you're above the law, but funding the Bush campaign does? Can anyone explain this to me?

Is it possible for "The Man" to keep a white boy down too??

Those who know me, know that I think that race, sexual orientation, etc. don't matter anymore, rather we live in a class society, and all discrimination is based upon class. Ain't nobody keepin Tiger Woods, or Colin Powell down now. But it is true that African Americans percentage wise are predominantly lower class. So maybe race still is a factor. Still I think it's more of who you know, rather than what you know, or what you are. One of the big reasons the U.S. declared independence is they didn't wanrt to live in a society of Arisocrats. They wanted class mobility. The so-called "American Dream." Well in the words of Van Halen, Dream another dream, this dream is over. Our generation cannot hope to achieve what our fathers did. We have become a nation of consumers, riddled with debt, while big corporations keep insisting that we need all these luxuries of life, yet ship American Jobs to foreign countries, ridding Americans the ability to earn an income sufficient to buy their necessities. Yet the conservatives rattle off their same old "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps", "Honest days pay for an Honest days work", "Stop being Lazy and get a job", ok maybe not the last one, but thats the feeling you get sometimes. Of course the Democrats seem to think if you keep throwing money at it, it'll go away.

I still want someone to explain to me how this Bush tax cut plan will stimulate the economy, considering that myself and every other American making less than $27,000 per year wont get this check in july. Plus, Bush says this will help the unemployed. OK, how does someone who doesn't have a job benefit from tax cuts. They aren't paying taxes anyway.

None of this justifies why there are so many educated people in America, college educated, many with post graduate degrees, that are waiting in Unemployment lines. I'm sorry, but the laziness, pull yourself up, honest day stuff doesn't fly with me when we're talking about people with doctorate degrees. Getting a post-graduate degree is not something you can half-ass go through. Sorry, but the economy plain sucks, and Bush isn't doing a damn thing about it.

Anyone know where the Weapons of Mass Destruction are? Contact George W. Bush asap at or by calling 202-456-1111

NP- Del Shannon- Runaway.

See now i'm getting upset, and political.

Anyone else think that American Juniors sucked? Funniest thing on American Juniors was a different set of Nelson Twins. Although they did kinda resemble the originals.

I loved that Ruben won American Idol. Have fun marketing him :)

NP- Dead Kennedys- Holiday in Cambodia

I love constantly ranting about stuff, even though nobody reads any of this. Hey, you can always e-mail me, my address is if you wish to comment, criticize, etc. Hey I might even post it if it's not too profane :)

NP: Radiohead- Fake Plastic Trees (Acoustic)

NP: fountains of Wayne- Sink.

Ok, I'm getting bored, so I'm gonna quit now. Time to play some classic games.

Update- damn I've had to repost this 4 times already cause I keep screwing up

NP- Steve Earl- I Still Carry You Around


Monday, June 02, 2003

NP: Evanescence- Bring me to life

I came across a namesake's website, thought it was interesting at the very least, so here's a link.

Anyone good at doing logo's, pix, etc. let me know.

Got a lead on a job, and I hope it pans out this time.

It's beginning to piss me off that someone swiped my domain name from me. Maybe I should file infringement against them.

Ahh, screw it. It ain't worth it I suppose.

NP: Zakk Wylde- Way Beyond Empty

EBAY SUCKS! No, not really. It's just cool to say that. Y'all know you can find all of that stuff much cheaper at rummage/yard/garage sales and such.

You want the secret to making big money on eBay? Maybe I shouldn't give this away for free, since all those get rich quick e-mail spam companies charge 39.95 for this info. Go to a garage sale, buy some old toy, or book, or game,etc, and sell it on eBay for 100X what you paid. I bought a PONG console for 3 bucks at a garage sale. two days later I saw the same kind of system get 45 bucks on eBay (without Shipping).

NP: Semisonic- Singing In My Sleep

Life used to be so much more fun. I used to be so optimistic. Life just makes me want to hate now. Society tries to teach us that we're not responsible for our own actions, and we need to find who to blame. I get much angrier than I used to, especially when dealing with people who are clueless (Bill O'Reilly). There's still some fun in life, it's just a lot harder to find. Don't think it's from having a family, and responsibility. Thats one of the great pleasures of my life. My son keeps me sane, keeps me alive, and shows me how to love. The greatest gifts come in the smallest packages. However, now I feel responsible at least partly for not giving him a good world to live in. --NP:Lucky Boys Confusion- Fred Astaire--. It's not my fault, but I haven't done much to help things either. Baby Steps I guess.

I've been online for an hour so, log off time...

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

So like anyway (great english, huh? And to think I'm a college graduate) I haven't blogged in a while, so here's whats going on in my world, in other words, a brief update:

RedWolfJC v2.0 is finally finished, and like always, I'm way behind the times, but at least the site looks better. The inspiration (read: thievery) from the page comes from many web sources that I've run into, so it wasn't my idea. Click HERE to see the biggest inspiration (read: plagarism) for the new site.

Once again, I am without employment, and again I am actively searching for THE job. Of course, I'll probably end up doing something I hate just to pay the bills, and fund some expensive hobbies, as well as support my family :)

Speaking of expensive hobbies, why not gander over to my Classic Video Games page, and look at the neat stuff that an aging teen idol® likes to do with his time.

Two of my friends got married over the past two consecutive weekends, I rather enjoyed both ceremonies, and of course enjoyed the free food and open bar :)
Congrats to both Erin and John, and Thom and Kate. May you have a wonderful life together.

If this economy doesn't improve, and George W. Bush gets re-elected in 04, I am going to lose the last shred of faith I have in democracy. It's amazing how one person can destroy an entire political ideolgy...

My .mp3's still are not stolen, merely borrowed...

Does anyone remember how cool that birthmark on Gorbachev's head looked???

While I was in St. Louis, I noticed their standard cable had about 80 channels on it. The cable system here has about 60. Why can't I get St. Louis' cable? Free Trade?? I suppose I could move there, but thats a pretty drastic measure to get an extra 15-20 channels. I mean is it too much to ask to get things like Noggin, Toon Disney, Game Show, TV Land, without having to spend an extra 30 bucks to get digital cable? And then only getting another 20-30 channels, many of which SUCK ASS!
Why can't I afford Cable Modem, or DSL, yet can't afford not to have them?

Anyone got an extra 25" color TV that they don't want? actually it could be anything from 20" to 25", I'm not that picky. If so e-mail me. I'm in Normal IL.

OK thats all for today.

See ya next time, if you ever come back...


Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Pretty much found out this past weekend that another good friend is over in the middle of the desert fighting Bush's war.

Good Luck to ya pal :) We're all hoping and praying for your quick and safe return home.

Met a Navy SEAL over the weekend. Great person, but understandably hurt by all of the protests.

As I pointed out to him, and hopefully he understood, The protests were not geared toward the military, which bravely defends this country.
The protests are against an appointed leader, who doesn't seem to care what anyone's opinion is except his own. People are protesting the Bush war doctrine.

Remember the only two major world powers who have ever initiated a preemptive "defensive" strike are Germany under Hitler, and the United States of Bush. (Heh-Heh, he said Bush)

Anyway, I will write more stuff later, non-political stuff, when I'm not so distraught.


Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Ok so I think this is where I'm going to start today.

Michael Moore

In My Humble opinion, what Michael Moore did at the Oscars was one of the bravest things I've seen in my life. First of all, he was not booed off the stage like several news agencies in their cowardice reported. In fact, he received a standing ovation from several members of the audience. Yes he did receive boos also, but the majority of the audience either cheered or sat quietly. Now many may say that this was an unpatriotic act, but I disagree. In fact, what could be more patriotic than expressing your first amendment right to disagree with our government? Isn't that what separates us from so-called "evil" countries like Iraq? Perhaps your belief system is such that you believe that speaking out against the government is unpatriotic in a time of war. You can believe what you want, but let me lend you some advice. I wouldn't call the thousands of anti-war marchers in NYC this past weekend unpatriotic. In fact, many of them were veterans of the Vietnam and Korean wars. Who are the real patriots? People who scream about how anti-war protesters are devaluing this country, or the people who are fighting, and have fought wars for the United States. And one final question: If you're so damn patriotic, what the hell are you doing here? Shoudn't you be in Uniform, halfway across the world defending freedom?

To those who serve, and continue to serve, and those who previously have served, you have my utmost respect, and support.

To those who have nothing better to do than to spew out hate regardless of which "Side" you're on, go to hell.

Remeber: Patriotism+ Dissent= Democracy. Patriotism+Conformity+Hate= Fascism

On Religion and Patriotism

Does it make a person less of a patriot if they are atheist, and do not want to have "God Bless America" Emblazoned everywhere that an American flag is?

This is more of a curiosity to me, as I am not Atheist, but Strongly support separation of church and state. I have never displayed anything with those words on it, aside from cold hard cash saying "In God We Trust", but I have had an American flag displayed in my home since the first Gulf War, if not before. I can't stand that phrase, because it sounds too exclusionary (God Bless America, I mean, not In God We Trust, which for some strange reason doesn't bother me). You know, I guess I shouldn't feel that way, cause it's awfully nice of all you Protestant Christians (cause everyone knows that the Catholics don't count, cause we don't want the Pope influencing things here in the U.S.) to exhault your beloved deity into blessing this wonderful nation. How generous of you. Just don't expect anything in return. We still won't pray in public school, no matter how much your God blesses this wonderful country.

I think that it's amazing how much people forgive from people who "Find God." If you don't agree, look at George W. Bush. Before he found God, he was a cocaine user, and an alcoholic who received several DUI's. Of course since he's found God, he became the Governor of Texas, and was Appointed to the Presidency of the United States of America. Thats the ultimate example. I guess maybe thats the reason I never became a "Born-Again" Christian. I guess, since I was never a drug addict, or an alcoholic, child abuser, kleptomaniac, pyromaniac, rapist, murderer, or any of a variety of other undesirable characterizations, I have no reason to become one. Not that I don't believe in God....

On War

I personally believe that war is wrong, under almost any circumstance. There has to be a better way for people to solve their disputes.

Given that, I don't know, like most Americans, how I feel about this war. It's pretty obvious that if Saddam has WMD, then he has to go. In the modern world, there is no place for this type of warfare, and the consequences of these actions will be devastating. But GWB has not as of yet given any concrete evidence that these weapons exist. This makes Bush look like the Oil Monger that the world is portraying him to be. All he had to do is give a small piece of evidence that was real, not some "Suspect" circumstantial evidence. GW Bush dropped the international relations ball on this one, and Foreign relations will suffer for many years. Canada, France, Germany, and other nations have refused to deport the Iraqi ambassadors, and close their embassies. What this means is that as far as those countries are concerned, the Saddam Hussein government is the legitimate government of Iraq. What happens when the U.S. overthrows that regime? Our neigbor to the north could be harboring criminals, members of a rogue government in exile. It's a really F'd up situatiuon, depending on the reaction of these countries.

On Life

Well, a lot has changed in my life, and I will go into it more in my next blog.

Until then.

What are we fighting for?


So I think I'm actually going to use this thing to post my rants from now on. I guess it's easier or something.
I will get started in the next few days or so, cause I got a lot of things to talk about. Once I figure this thing out more, it should look better and such.
So More to come later.